
Oktobertfest 2013


This weekend was spent here ^^^ and let me tell you it was fuuuuuun.

Husband’s boss owns the festival so Josh had to work. this meant I brought along my very best friend Abby to enjoy the festivities with me!'

usss uss
Abby & I circa 2005 (Freshmen year in college                                             And us again, Saturday @ Oktoberfest 2013


Josh was able to get away for a few minutes – we’re thinking this should be our Christmas card this year

I am so glad someone told me. I would have kept drinking it only for breakfast – now so many options for lunch and dinner!

there was free stuff. lots of free stuffs.


and just for giggles, let’s jump back to last year’s event for a second:

Fall 2012 004
this is me – with a chicken hat

Fall 2012 014

Leigh Ann w/ her German lady braids


signing away our left arm and 30 years

that’s right… We’re buying a house!

We’ve started the ball rolling to purchase my sister out of her 1/2 of our grandparent’s home. it’s the home josh and I currently live in and it is a wonderful starter home. it’s definitely not our forever house but it has potential for a few great years and after that, we plan to keep it as a rental property.

the details//
-3 bedrooms
-1 bathroom
-1 living room
-1 den
-eat in kitchen
-large laundry room
-large detached garage/workshop
-1 acre of land

but I will tell you, we are more excited than anything to get this in our name, to have a monthly mortgage payment but most of all, start to make the house our home

we’ve got big plans. huge dreams. but shallow pockets. I see in our future a lot of DIY, figuring it out ourselves and seeing what type of deals we can find at big box stores but customize to work for us.

we are SO EXCITED!


the main thing is it will be ours.


what the dinner table means to me

you see, the house we are in has a living room and a ‘den.’ I’ve never really understood the need to have both. what I do know is that our ‘eat in kitchen’ barely has enough room for a small 4 person table.

this led me think “hey laura, why don’t you use the den as the family room (where the couches, chairs, and tv will be), and turn the living room (which is a long, skinny room w/ only 1 window and a fire place) into a formal dining room!” <<lightbulb moment right there>> but then I began to search for a table. something large that could fit at least 6 people, if not more. I absolutely love hosting Thanksgiving and Christmas and dinner parties but we just do not have the space to gather everyone. and you know what I found? those tables are freakin’ expensive, don’t  include the chairs, and none of them were really what I wanted.

as I was perusing [Pinterest] one day, I found these plans for a DIY farmhouse table. and I fell. in. love. I need to make this table. I think about it daily. As I broached the subject with Josh, he looked at me like I was a crazy person. you want to build the table. yourself?? hahaha.. it was laughable to him. but that made me even more determined to do it.

built in

all I could imagine in my mind was josh and I sitting around this table I made with our children, having dinner talking about how momma made this table. or having a piece of furniture that is sturdy enough to be able to pass it down to my kids. and that began my obsession with making a dining room table.

…and here we are a few months later and it’s finally getting cool enough to work in the garage with the doors open without having a heat stroke and so, this coming week I will be gathering my supplies to start. I will be taking pictures because whether it works out or not, I feel this needs to be documented. and hey, if it works out I guess we’ll be eating dinner, just the two of us, on a huge table with plenty of room to spread out. or will it be just the two of us?……… I guess we’ll see. won’t we?


and as for the eat in kitchen area//

built in


blogging with a purpose//

so I’ve been thinking a lot – juggling back and forth about whether to continue on, putting my self & my life out on the internets for all to read// do I have something meaningful to say? is it interesting? does it really matter if I put my 2-cents out in the sea of millions of voices? how will the information I put out into the universe affect my family and friends who may be involved in whatever part of life I’m talking about// and basically I’m just scared.

scared to put my true thoughts and feelings typed out for all to see// if I put them here that means they’re real, permanent, and I have to own them. which makes me want to filter and sensor and not put everything out there// then I feel like a fraud.

so many emotions and thoughts going through my head//

but I’m going to do it. and we’ll see what happens. maybe I’ll continue. maybe I won’t. maybe I will change directions 100 times or maybe I will finally find that one thing that people fall in love with. that I fall in love with// I guess we will see.


Taking The Easy Road

This week has been a very trying time for me at work. I have felt more aggravated, frustrated, and exhausted than I’ve ever felt so for tonight, I feel the need to write. But I’m taking the easy road and using sydney's prompt to get the writing juices flowing::

Making: a snack // leftover birthday cake with a scoop or two of chocolate ice cream
Cooking: dinner // or should I say ‘made’ – roast beef in the crockpot then put on hoagie buns with provolone cheese under the broiler until melted and toasted. delish. and easy. I need easy right now.
Drinking: a warm coke // I grabbed the wrong one but cannot think of even getting up right now // warm coke it is
Reading: Catching up on blog posts I’ve missed this week // mortgage application I need to fill out
Wanting: to be finished with this home buying process // I’m purchasing my sister’s 1/2 of our grandparents home so I will own the whole thing // I think some times it is harder to deal with family on what I would consider a business deal
Looking: forward to the house projects we are planning once it’s all ours.
Playing: the ‘what if’ game in my mind // not good.
Wasting: time on the computer when I should be showering and heading to bed
Sewing: nothing but that reminds me I need to pick up my sewing machine from mom & dad’s house // I have some sewing projects I’d like to work on – curtains for one thing =)
Wishing: for a smooth flowing week @ work next week
Enjoying: hearing husband snoring on the couch beside me
Waiting: my laziness to pass so I can get up and get a shower before bed.
Liking: my nail polish color // Sinful Colors Brand – Folly #795
Wondering: What type of dreams I’ll be having tonight // I’ve had some crazies lately
Loving: My nights and weekends spent with husband // it’s nice quality time
Hoping: for more faith
Marveling: at the sheer ability to produce as much laundry as husband and I produce each week // what do we do, wear 3 outfits a day??
Needing: some more butterscotch delight // took it to work and it was gone in a day // so delish!
Smelling: a wild fern candle from hobby lobby // one of my favorites.
Wearing: my favorite blue sweatpants from old navy and a t-shirt // feet are covered in my fun cheetah print slippers
Following: my newest favorite blog // the Bauble dept. // she’s going to live on a sail boat!!
Noticing: I really need to repaint my nails
Knowing: that I really need to get up on time to fix my hair and look presentable for work tomorrow // I just love sleep
Thinking: about a possible job opportunity that I’m given the ability to pursue // keeping my fingers crossed!
Feeling: tired
Bookmarking: a few easy crafts to start working on for the house
Opening: my foundation container, scraping out the last little bit until I can get to the store to get a new bottle
Feeling: happy


Upon The Rock

So yesterday was my 26th birthday. And a happy birthday it was! The day started out with church with husband (more on that later). We grabbed some KFC for lunch (we never eat fried chicken but we were both craving it. weird) then headed home. Chores for me and birthday shopping for husband was our afternoon plans then to round off a wonderful day, my parents, sister, best friend Abby, Josh and I grilled out, had lots of delicious food, and ate ourselves into a sugar coma from cake and ice cream. I was blessed with some wonderful gifts and wonderful time spent with family and friends. I can say that the highlight of my day was our church service yesterday morning.

I will say that included in all of my other daily prayers is one for husband to be the leader of our household. that’s not to say that he isn’t the leader but everyone can improve and I always pray for strength for him to make the best decisions and lead our family into the path that God wants for our life and our marriage together. It just so happened that the sermon yesterday was all about families, men stepping into their intended roles, and building a solid foundation for your family and home.

I left yesterday’s service craving more. I could have sat there for hours: learning, listening, praising, and worshiping. And I honestly think yesterday really spoke to Josh’s heart too. After we left he kept saying what an amazing service that was, such wonderful preaching. I just cannot say enough about it.

One thing that really drew me to our current church is the fact that our preacher doesn’t preach to win fans. he preaches what he believes to be the truth whether it offends people or not. and usually if I’m the one who is “offended” it’s because I’m not living my life the way I should be and him “calling me out” (not by name) but me knowing in my heart that I haven’t been living the way I should really keeps me accountable and I couldn’t ask for anything better.

I’d really like to share a few points that Pastor Phil shared with us yesterday:

matthew 7

>Outside all homes and families look very much the same but on the inside are so very different
>Every home faces problems and adversities, pressures from above (rain), below (flood), and around (wind)
>These storms will come against every home, Christian and non-Christian. Only one house survives the storm and it is the one with the foundation built on the Rock

How to ‘weatherproof’ your home:

>Communication: between husband and wife, between parents and children, between friends and family
>Moral Consistency: not just “do as I say, not as I do” – children (and I firmly believe adults also) would rather see a sermon lived out through someone’s life rather than hear one.
>Spiritual Foundation: it’s not material or financial, it’s spiritual. if a father is active within church the odds of staying in church as an adult is 80%. if it’s only the mother that’s active within the church that drops to 15%.

building the foundation of your home on the Rock is essential to a strong marriage and strong home to weather any storms that may come your way.

this message really spoke to Josh and I as we are always working to build a strong and stable home in which to bring children in to some day (next summer possibly? more on that in another post)






okay sounds good. ;-)


3 month vacay//

day 2.. let’s jump on it

if you could take three months off from your current life and do anything in the world, what would you do?


Hands down, balls to the wall. Get my a$$ off the couch and out of Tennessee. Grab husband by the hand and travel.

Where would I go? Let’s take a looksee//

the coltswald, england via

the stepping stones, tollymore, ireland via

the gardens of cosmic speculation via

holi festival in india via

the crystal cave, skaftafell, iceland via

“the secret garden” aka Leach Garden, portland, oregon via

Other items on my list in that 3 months would be:

  • Westward Ho: California Zephyr train ride – from Chicago to Emeryville, California – 51 hour trip
  • Mount Evans Byway: highest paved road in America – 14,130 feet. spans 28 mile trip
  • skydiving – not really picky as to where


this isn’t even scraping the surface but in three months his would get me going!


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It’s Friggin’ September aka The Month Of My Birth

I cannot believe it is already September! Happy day after Labor Day ya’ll. This gal was actually off work which almost never happens in the medical practice I work in – we could be compared to a mini-ER so we’re there for you no matter the holiday.

September is a wonderful month in which I prefer to celebrate every day because come the 15th it is on like donkey kong bishes. aka, it’s my birthday and I will curse in sort of curse words if I want to. we good?

As I was perusing my BlogLovin’ feed I came across Jenni and her once again imaginative way to get back to writing. and it is such a help, especially for those of us just starting out or who sometimes get a little blog fright – I equal this to stage fright for a performer. I love having a blog but am sometimes afraid of saying what I really feel or putting it all out there because of negative criticism or disheartening comments or people who want to fight and argue other points of view… I’m all for free speech and I love the fact that not everyone is the same cookie cutter person but be who you are in a respectful and dignified manner please. and thank you.

so let’s get this party hoppin’ shall we?

describe where or what  you came from. the people, places, and/or factors that make up who you are.

whoa. jumpin’ off the deep end are we now…

I’m from Tennessee. born and raised. I came from a mom and dad who divorced when I was 2. Mom remarried when I was 3 to my wonderful step-dad. They had a daughter who I so lovingly refer to as my sisser. Only the best sister you could ever have in the entire world. She and I were the only grandkids for our mom’s parents, Nana and Papaw. They were the best grandparents you could ever dream of. Nana died in 2005 and Papaw in 2010. My bio-dad moved a lot when I was younger and there would be years that passed before we talked to each other. The longest stretch between my 9th grade year in high school and my sophomore year in college. My step-dad who I call dad/daddy/pops walked me down the aisle at my wedding. Yes my bio-dad was there.

My papaw became very ill just a short two months after my wedding. A few years prior I had been assigned medical/durable power of attorney and at the time I never thought I’d have to do anything but after two months of him in ICU and on a ventilator and after a lot of prayer, talks with medical personnel, family, and researching, I was the one who had to sign the papers to officially “pull the plug” and although I haven’t talked about it since, it’s something that shaped me. that made me realize that life is such a precious gift that can be taken away from us in an instant. He had been gone for a few days before we made the decision to turn off the machines but it was still the absolute hardest decision I had to ever make in my entire life. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone and I hope to never be put in that position again. making me who I am. hell yes.

something else that has made me who I am today would be my husband, josh. he and I have known each other since 6th grade and have been in a relationship since we were 16. we will be celebrating our 10 year anniversary this December and he has taught me more about myself than I could ever have imagined finding out without him. He has been with me through the hardest times in my life and some of the best. he isn’t just my husband, he is my best friend and he supports me and guides me and has helped to shape me these last 9 1/2 years.

BOOM. [and that’s not even all of it – that’s just the beginning]

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one broke down bish

// I’m not even 26 and I am broken

// yesterday I signed in as a patient @ my workplace (I didn’t really think that through)

// the nurse practitioner said I may have a kidney stone or a lot of gas – would need to do more tests to find out

// tonight I went to the other location of my work closer to my house and had an x-ray, then the nurse practitioner decided I needed

:: 3 tubes of blood drawn

:: 3 abdomen x rays taken

:: made me drink a GI cocktail

:: scheduled a gallbladder ultrasound

:: lectured me on how long I’ve been on my birth control

// I am broke down and I’m not even 30. wtf!


completion of our 2013 garden//

husband & I have been working our plot of garden all summer.

around march/april we tilled the garden, added 8 bags of manure then tilled twice more

in may after mother’s day we got our plant on: white sweet corn – 3 rows // peppers – 2 1/2 rows (green, banana, jalapeno, habanero) // tomatoes – 1/2 row (beef steak, tommy toe, roma) // cucumbers – 2 plans // squash & zucchini – 6 plants





let me tell you that the manure must have made a difference because daaaang this year’s crop was cray! we tried our hand at canning in a hot water bath this year and it’s really not that difficult just a bit time consuming. we blanched tomatoes then diced and canned them. we made homemade salsa with our tomatoes and peppers, we froze our corn and other peppers, we chopped and blanched the squash and zucchini then froze in vacuum seal bags

our deep freezer is stuffed full! cannot wait to make some yummy casseroles and soups and stews this winter time and to add our canned tomatoes to spaghetti sauce

we’ve canned our last batch of pickled jalapenos and banana peppers Sunday night and although we loved our garden we are more than happen to have our evenings back for working inside the house – cannot wait until next growing season!


my soul twin//

so husband was gone from Wednesday-Sunday to Bristol for the Nascar Race

he got the idea to borrow my parent’s RV and spend 5 days in a campground with his boss (who also happens to be his best friend), his boss’ father, & boss’ child. oh whata trip.

and what happens while husband is gone? LO comes out to play. this included a stop at the liquor store (twice) for a couple of bottles of wine/sushi by myself once and with my bffer once/and lots and lots and lots of Netflix.

I have found my soul twin. Jess. Weirdo extraordinaire. New Girl.

I had 5 days alone which extended me the ability to finish 19 episodes of New Girl. 2 episodes of Lie to Me. and plenty of Gulianna & Bill.

“Hey girl, whatcha doin’? Hey girl, where are ya goin? Who’s that girl? Who’s that girl? It’s Jess!”

+ plenty of Pinteresting.











high five for friday



1. new boots – ready for fall!

2. Max after waking up from our afternoon nap

3. Bagel w/ nutella & banana  - delish!

4. nail polish collection – need more options. ha!

5. learning to drive this thing with husband has been an adventure – let’s go camping!


Linking up over at Lauren Elizabeth for some high five for friday. everyone ready for the weekend??




Dining Room Inspiration

So the house husband & I are about to buy (which we currently live in, ha!) has 2 living rooms. a den and a living room. whatever that means. for us being two people who love to entertain, our small eat-in kitchen just isn’t cutting it. so… I told husband we should turn our long & skinny awkwardly shaped living room into a formal dining room and make the den our family room. perfecto!

enter my {pinterest} dining room board

dining room

I saw these plans from Ana White.com and I just knew our dining room needed to center around a long, sturdy farmhouse table… built by us! how cool would it be to be sitting around the table years from now with our kids and know that the table they do their homework on, or we have family meals at was built by hand by us! I’ve got to do it.

above is a rough picture of what I’d like for our table. I’d love it to seat at least 8 comfortably preferably with a darker stain. I also would love to fill in the seems to make the top look like one solid piece of wood.

I hope to paint our walls a light greyish-blue

a large dresser painted white to go under our window – this could be used to hold kitchen gadgets and serving dishes

I love metallic accents so the sunburst mirror and prints above would fit perfectly

Large letters of L&J on the wall in the same stain as the table to tie it in together

and of course the fire place in there will need some décor so enter the lantern/candle mixture for the bottom of the fireplace with the mantel to be decorated per season

finally, I love the rustic but simple centerpiece of wood and candles for the table.


if anyone has any simple, clean, and rustic design ideas feel free to shoot ‘em at me!




the day I realized my mom was a person

so please tell me I’m not the only one here who feels (or felt) like their parent(s) were parents & that’s it.

I don’t know why the concept of them being actual people eluded me so, but it wasn’t something I could grasp until about a month ago.

Mom & I were talking about her funeral arrangements (she and dad have pre-paid in hopes to make it a bit easier once they do pass) so of course I want to know her wishes so I don’t screw up. she happened to mention where their plots are located and that she only wants a graveside service, no wake/viewing. I’m not sure about other areas of the country but in east Tennessee we normally have a wake/viewing then service directly following, then burial the next day.

well the fact that mom was wanting a burial only with graveside services made me really question myself. (ha! we’re talking about her dying years and years and years down the road but all I can think of is myself???) she said “I have my close friends and family and that’s all that I want there.” Makes sense to me.

But then I start thinking.. I have all kinds of the hopes, ambitions, dreams… my mom was 25 once. she had hopes, ambitions, and dreams. is the way her life turned out the way she had hoped or planned? I can’t imagine my life when I’m my mom’s age. I hope I know how it’ll turn out but we honestly don’t know what will happen.

but all of this to say that my mom is a real person, not just a mom.


this. is. crazy.


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Weekend Recap

let’s recap this shiz…

Friday husband & I went to the local race track for the last race of the season. As we sat there minding our own business a possum came running up the hill to where we were sitting and ran right in the middle of a group of girls to our right. Screams could be heard over the loud rumble of the race cars below. it was hilarious to say the least. they all jumped into their chairs and held on to each other. wonderful entertainment!

Saturday we spent most of the day driving dad’s RV trying to get the hang of it. driving isn’t really the issues. It’s backing and turning that can be a bit nerve wracking but I think husband and I have the hang of it and dad said we looked like pros so we are ready to head out into the wild blue yonder.. or to the nearest camp ground to do a little camping Laura style. and by that I mean air conditioning, queen sized bed, indoor shower and full kitchen. we finished our day up with some grocery shopping and working on vegetables we got out of the garden – vacuum sealing them to freeze.

Sunday Funday. We were up early to eat breakfast then get on our working clothes. Down to the garden we went to dig up and remove move of the dead or non-producing plants. Cucumbers, corn, tomatoes, squash, zucchini and green peppers are finished for the season. We still have banana peppers, jalapenos, and habaneros still producing so we made some pickled jalapenos and got those canned. Then it’s time for our favorite day of television. We love Mountain Men and Ice Road Truckers and Keeping Up With the Kardashians and tonight begins the Great Food Truck Race. Love it!


How was your weekend? I’m excited to get to work tomorrow to rest a bit!




136 days until Christmas

and yet this afternoon I spent over 2 hours working on Christmas gifts.

you see, I’m a planner. and a budgeter. and in 2013 alone I’ve recently gained 3 new nieces and a sister-in-law which gives me 4 more people we need to squeeze into our Christmas budget.

I’m one of those that doesn’t give gifts just to give them. I want to give something I know the person will love, that has meaning, that was made by me or that will bring memories of our special relationship when they see/use these gifts.

that brings me to Christmas 2013. 2013 has been the year of the kitchen for me. I’ve stretched my culinary muscles so much this year and have been able to invite family and friends over to enjoy in the food I’ve put so much time and energy and love into preparing. This sparked an idea of husband and I writing our own cookbook of our favorite recipes we’ve tried and loved since being married. ones we’ve made memories with. I absolutely cannot wait until it’s finished and we can submit for printing.

We are using Blurb to pull the cookbook together. I’ve used their services before to create a photo book for my dad from my sister and I and the quality is amazing, pricing is stellar, and their downloadable program takes you step by step to create the perfect book. And of course the more you order the cheaper it is. That brings me to Christmas! We will order a minimum of 6 and give one to each of our sets of parents, my brother in law and sister in law, my sister, and of course keep one for us, plus a few to a few friends I know loves cooking and easy recipes. We will see how this works out and maybe they’ll even be an electronic version to purchase here once everything is said and done. We’ll see!!




So I don’t like to put a lot of details about my work life out for everyone to read because 1)privacy for patients & staff & 2)as much as I love my job, I’d rather talk about my family, food, travels, my cat, and other stuff that takes up the extra time that I don’t spend at work.


there have been some changes at work consisting of one supervisor leaving to move into a different role within the organization leaving her position open – I will be interviewing for her position next week. it’s the same job I am currently doing in the same service line, but is in the newest clinic we’ve opened and instead of a 30-40 minute drive from my home would be a 5-7 minute drive.

so wish me luck! I’d really love the opportunity to run another clinic and learn to deal with the different dynamics that other team members and physicians will bring. hopefully this will be my chance. I really feel like this is where God wants me to be – it will be a place I can grow in my professional career along with surrounding myself with some of the most Christian-minded young adults I’ve ever met. I really think I need that in my life right now.

I’ll let you know how it goes!


Just take the plunge

What would happen if you sold all of your disposable belongings (furniture, home, books, etc.), picked up and just moved. just took the plunge to follow whatever adventure life throws at you?

if I wasn’t someone to had to have stability and everything planned down to the hour, I would love to do this. Just husband and I. Get a job in a far away town, pack up and move. Not ever looking back. I mean what would stop us? We don’t have children. Yes we have family here but we could always fly back or skype or phone call. It’s not like we see them every day anyways.

I wish I could be more spontaneous but my pour heart just can’t take the unknown. There isn’t enough medication in the world to keep me from having the biggest panic attack of my life if we decided to up and change our whole world. It’s something nice to think about though.




no title.

>Watching Hoarders: Buried Alive makes me have a panic attack
>If I could get rid of all of my clothes & start over, I have so many new ideas of how I’d create my own style. Seen here on my style board

outfit1    style2     style3    style4

>If I could sell all of my belongings and just move anywhere with husband and Max, I think I would choose right outside of Washington D.C. close to the Metro line or Montgomery, OH outside of Cincinnati or Atlanta – I love small towns right outside of larger cities.

>I would love to figure out a way to sit and read all of my favorite books all day long and get paid for it. And for that matter, I’d love to also craft, cook, and decorate.

>I am the opposite of a hoarder. If it’s not needed or cluttering the home, we either throw it away, donate it or sell it ASAP.

>I want to lighten up our home’s décor. we used to gravitate toward dark woods, black, deep red – now I’m all: white, light, cream, light gray, tan, light blue please.

>I have officially switched from summer nails of pink and coral to fall deep reds and black. c’mon fall!

that’s all.


Reasons… I cannot wait for fall

-Pumpkin Spice Lattes

-Cinnamon & Clove Candles


-Sweaters & boots

-No mosquitos

-No picking vegetables

-All of my favorite recipes are hot soups, stews, hearty dishes that call for cooler weather

-I can do a multitude of things that consist of me being or going outside without having sweat dripping off my top lip and on the backside of my neck

-Bonfires & s’mores (to me this is a fall thing not summer)


-Beautiful BEAUTIFUL fall leaves and foliage – I do live in close proximity to the Great Smoky Mountains & Blue Ridge Parkway


-This is my first fall semester I haven’t had to go back to school in 19 1/2 years. K-12 +4 Years Undergrad + 2 1/2 Years Graduate School

-Snuggling under lots of blankets instead of using the heat. Hello romantic. Hello cheap power bill.

-The smell of the crisp fall air.

-Haunted corn mazes & hay rides


high five for friday


1 – I might have went overboard on coffee creamer. Food City was having a sale!

2 – I Love Lucy. “I can’t help it. Eating is my hobby.”

3 – Nuff said.

4 – Pals Sudden Service. Delicious.

5 – Little Maxy. Love him.

Recipe Round-Up

Recipes found from around the web that will be making an appearance in our family’s kitchen in the next few weeks (click pictures to be redirected to each recipe):

chicken feta
Chicken w/ Feta Cheese Sauce via Garnish With Lemon
this looks so delicious and like it took a lot of time but is such a quick meal for after a late night at work

Kate’s Meat Lasagna via The Small Things Blog
we’ve made this before and it was a crowd pleaser. even for husband who isn’t a big pasta fan.

Rattle Snake Bites via Taste of Home
perfect for this weekend with slightly cooler weather when we want something yummy to snack on for movie night

Dutch Apple Pie via Brown Eyed Baker
I felt the need to make a duth apple pie after eating a less than amazing version from a fast food restaurant (mistake #1)

So as you can see, I’m starting to get in the fall mood and cannot wait until pumpkin spiced lattes and scarves and boots starting making regular appearances in my life.